terça-feira, 30 de setembro de 2008


segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2008


domingo, 28 de setembro de 2008


Provávelmente a melhor informação relativa à crise financeira nos EUA.


..."In the case of A.I.G., the virus exploded from a freewheeling little 377-person unit in London, and flourished in a climate of opulent pay, lax oversight and blind faith in financial risk models. It nearly decimated one of the world’s most admired companies, a seemingly sturdy insurer with a trillion-dollar balance sheet, 116,000 employees and operations in 130 countries.

“It is beyond shocking that this small operation could blow up the holding company,” said Robert Arvanitis, chief executive of Risk Finance Advisors in Westport, Conn. “They found a quick way to make a fast buck on derivatives based on A.I.G.’s solid credit rating and strong balance sheet. But it all got out of control.”...


sábado, 27 de setembro de 2008

For Immediate Release: September 26, 2008

The first presidential debate helped uncommitted voters learn about the candidates - and it appears that Democrat Barack Obama benefited the most, according to a CBS News/Knowledge Networks poll taken immediately following the debate.

Uncommitted voters said Obama won the debate against Republican John McCain, and more of those voters improved their opinion of the Democrat. But while 66 percent think Obama would make the right decisions about the economy, 56 percent think McCain would do so about Iraq.

Immediately after the debate, CBS News interviewed a nationally representative sample of nearly 500 debate watchers assembled by Knowledge Networks who were "uncommitted voters" - voters who are either undecided about who to vote for or who say they could still change their minds. Thirty-nine percent of these uncommitted debate watchers said Obama won the debate. Twenty-four percent said McCain won, and another 37 percent thought it was a tie.

Nearly half of those uncommitted voters who watched the debate said that their image of Obama changed for..

link - mais informação, a não perder!

terça-feira, 23 de setembro de 2008


Guta Moura Guedes
Da arte de bem cavalgar toda a sela

Briefing Confidêncial

Lançamento, em 4 anos, de um produto de sucesso

€ 5.000.000 (cinco milhões de euros de dinheiros/apoios públicos e privados)

Algumas entidades envolvidas
- Fundos Estruturais Europeus (Feder e Plano Operacional da Cultura)
- Ministério da Cultura (apoios directos em euros e outros)
- Câmara Municipal de Lisboa (apoios não quantificados)
- Várias entidades privadas (apoios não quantificados)

Estratégia promocional

Através de um "produto cultural" a criar (ExperimentaDesign), concretizar a afirmação de Emídio Rangel de que com uma boa campanha e com objectivos bem definidos, tudo se cria/tudo se vende, de sabonetes a Presidentes da República, passando pela "promoção/venda" de gestoras hoteleiras/cantoras para vogais do conselho de administação do Centro Cultural de Belém ou assessoras da direcção da Casa da Música para o marketing, design e o desenvolvimento .

Meios a utilizar
Os necessários e relacionados com a arte de bem cavalgar toda a sela.

Frase chave para a campanha
«Talvez não tenha currículo suficiente, além do charme. Mas, se a cultura em Portugal funciona assim (...)».
Palavras de Natxo Checa*, reproduzidas no blog designer X, e relativas à nomeação de Guta Moura Guedes para o CCB, como vogal do Conselho de Administração.
* - responsável pela Zé dos Bois-Lisboa (ZDB)

Comentário Anónimo
Anónimo disse...

copiando o Eça eu diria que esta senhora não cairá pq não é um edificio, sairá com benzina pq é uma nódoa.
fala-se que mudou varias vezes o seu percurso academico...hei?qual percurso academico?
não estudou. o seu quarto ano de piano do conservatorio nao pode ser pau para toda a obra. a não ser que todos os cargos que ocupou tivessem como obrigação bater umas teclas.
que a senhora "dá música dá".
para alguem que é tao autodidacta é estranho que não se tenha atrevido a tirar umas cadeirinhas de design (ahah, a piada ficou profunda : cadeiras/design!)
pq é que ela n se casa com o socrates?
faziam o casal perfeito com os seus canudos invisiveis.
que grande deturpação do conceito "self-made woman"!!!
e agora é "curadora".
que tal por um penso rapido no cerebro?
eu não a quero a representar Portugal em área alguma.
tem charme? também o Fabuloso de lavanda com que lavo o chao.

Rita Rocha

sexta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2008



quarta-feira, 17 de setembro de 2008

(O "nosso" querido Ministro da Economia, citado de memória)

..."That situation set the stage for deep losses for all the countless investors and other entities that had entered into A.I.G.’s swap contracts. Of the $441 billion in credit default swaps that A.I.G. listed at midyear, more than three-quarters were held by European banks."...

Leiam com muita atenção o artigo acessivel através do link.

Esta é a informação a que temos direito, mas que não nos é facultada.

Afinal o que é importante é que o Sporting perdeu ontem em Barcelona por 3 a 1, não é?

Nota: Já agora, qual será a exposição da banca portuguesa aos "swaps"?

sábado, 13 de setembro de 2008


E um muito obrigado pelos três anos de BELOGUE.


..."Art and politics both hate and envy one another; since time immemorial, they detest each other and they are mutually attracted, and it's through this dynamic that many a political idea has been born; it is in this dynamic that sometimes, great works of art see the light of day. Your cultural politics, it must be said, provoke only a profound consternation. Neither hate nor detestation, not envy nor attraction, nothing but numbness before the oppressive vacuum that drives your policies. This vacuum which lies between you and the artists of Canada, from a symbolic point of view, signifies that your government, for however long it lasts, will not witness either the birth of a political idea or a masterwork, so firm is your apparent belief in the unworthiness of that for which you show contempt. Contempt is a subterranean sentiment, being a mix of unassimilated jealousy and fear towards that which we despise. Such governments have existed, but not lasted because even the most detestable of governments cannot endure if it hasn't the courage to affirm what it..."...

sábado, 6 de setembro de 2008


..."The poll, conducted the night after Palin accepted the second slot on the GOP ticket at the party's national convention in St. Paul, Minn., finds that 55 percent of all Americans said the Palin pick makes no difference in their support for McCain. Even more -- 67 percent -- said so of Democratic nominee Barack Obama's choice of Biden. In both cases, those who said the vice presidential choices would increase the odds of supporting one of the newly minted presidential nominees are those who were already predisposed to supporting that candidate"...

sexta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2008


It's a little too early to tell the full effect of Senator McCain's selection of Governor Palin as his running mate. In particular, Palin's biography has created numerous side dialogues--chiefly among women--about working mothers, teen pregnancy, abstinence-only education and raising children with special needs. Surveys on these topics will take a little time, and some care and nuance.

But until then, we do have good preliminary data about the Palin Effect across gender and party. But bare in mind that the timing of both conventions and the Palin pick announcement (not to mention Labor Day and Hurricane Gustav) make it difficult to identify exactly which bounces are working where.

The Palin Effect has rallied white Republican women; Obama gains with other groups

A Gallup release today demonstrated that compared to...