Findings from a National Household Survey of Credit Card Debt Among Low- and Middle-Income Households American families are struggling in an increasingly volatile economy defined by job instability, continued layoffs in the guise of "downsizing", and declining employee benefits--factors augmented by new trends like outsourcing and unfettered trade. The result is a fragile alliance between workers and employers-- and families and the economy. At the same time that American households have become more vulnerable, our economic safety net has steadily eroded. Unemployment insurance benefits have declined, health insurance has been reduced or eliminated for many, public safety net programs have been de-funded and cannot meet demand, defined-benefit pensions have been replaced with an "at your own risk" retirement investments and, over the last decade, incomes have stagnated and can not keep pace with the rising costs of housing, health care and living expenses.
Agora que George Soros previne que em 2007 os EUA vão entrar em recessão, fica aqui este artigo sobre a "economia real" daquele país.
Just in case !
Para ler o artigo, este é o LINK
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