quinta-feira, 18 de maio de 2006


For all of the merits in Eric Boehlert's Lapdogs, there's a quality the author surely did not intend. This history of "How the Press Rolled Over for Bush," as the subtitle puts it, is the first book made completely superfluous by blogs. It condenses six years of media follies into one narrative, and the latter four years of it appear much as they unfolded on the left half of the blogosphere. Even the lefty cartoonist and blogger Tom Tomorrow interrupted a rave of Boehlert's work to admit that "if you follow the blogs closely, there probably won't be any huge surprises."

Reading Lapdogs is an experience akin to testing the new Nintendo hardware at E3. Chapters on stories that the blogs covered back-to-front—the war in Iraq, the 2004 election, Hurricane Katrina—induce an odd ocular sensation, that digital burn your eyes get from looking at a computer screen and hitting "refresh." Boehlert's book is part and parcel of the blogs—it is the first liberal media critique to come out of the new liberal counter-establishment.

Curiosos ?

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