Iraq, Vietnam, and the dilemmas of United States soldiers
This article is about the difficult moral and legal circumstances that United States soldiers find themselves in during the occupation of Iraq. I want to start by discussing the general circumstances that ordinary soldiers find themselves in during war and military action, and then reflect on the dilemmas that soldiers confronted during the Vietnam war and compare those with the circumstances today in Iraq. In the process I'll explore the general problem that war as a human institution presents: its moral and political legitimacy, the difficulties soldiers confront on the ground, and their psychological and political responses.
The death of a mother, father, close friend, sibling or child is always a challenge to our sense of the meaningfulness of life and can leave us psychologically disoriented for a long time. For most people, religion provides support by attempting to give meaning to death and enable those left behind to carry on. For some people, religious or otherwise, no help will be sufficient, and they will sink into despair and cease to be functioning members of society.
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